Ever Wished You Could Help More People, Earn More Money & Be More Famous? Well, you can...
You're not alone. Tons of frustrated subject-matter experts, high achievers and thought leader burst with untapped potential struggle to reach a bigger audience. We'll help you grow from feeling isolated, unappreciated and invisible into being recognized as one of the most respected household names in your business.
We'll also fast-track your results.
When YOU speak as an expert leader, your audiences take notes, action and share your ideas. Your business enjoys +50% more revenue. PLUS you benefit from greater stability, predictability and new opportunities than ANY unbranded CEOs who don't (can't) communicate effectively like you.
That's why YOU need to join The Industry Icon Program.
Our system uses proven success strategies which guarantee awesome measurable results.
Want to know what makes some people famous whilst their peers vanish forever?
Or what creates a global following, get you onto influential radars, fast-tracks your key goals/objectives whilst boosting your instantly recognizable signature message?
Trust me, this gives your business a tremendous amount of stability, a constant stream of fresh clients and even greater growth potential.
Your credibility and influence creates impact wherever you go which makes you a powerful in-demand and highly respected big hitter. Fans follow you.
IMPORTANT: You're ALREADY at your biggest hitting age. Why wait until you run out of time? Instead, just seize the day and take charge NOW.
These famous Industry Icons did EXACTLY what I urge you to do.
That's what made them so successful and their legacy so powerful.
They didn't officially position themselves as thought leaders.
They just followed a simple formula... Grow and let people know. That's all. This means when you amplify your reach, impact and influence, people feel they know, like and trust YOU personally. So, it's much easier to close a sale, open a door and get things done when people can Google you and discover instant proof that you're the real deal
You DON'T have to be the best in the world JUST the right choice for them.
When clients find you, your reputation generates certainty that instantly makes them want to do business with you. In short, they've already bought into your brand now now they want to invest in you too.
DID YOU KNOW... Generating multiple income streams by speaking about your brand is the smartest way of doing business? Well, now it's BIG business.
(because I know you're thinking it)
'What if I don't bother to upgrade myself?'
THE ANSWER? Ignoring reality is like business suicide because...
We're in the midst of what is called: "The Automation Economy".
The future is here right now...
Robotics, apps, A.I, open-sourced projects and remote workplaces are the norms.
Which means that if you stay invisible, you'll 100% get ignored and replaced.
Hoping potential customers miraculously find you is just fooling yourself.
You and I both know that 'hope' is never a good business model.
Data is money, people have too many choices and they're desperate for clarity.
In a digital economy, we NEED smart visionary thought leaders more than ever.
That's why clients WILL chose YOU! They can see the evidence...
NOW'S the perfect time for influential leaders, experts and coaches LIKE YOU to shine...
This "Automation Economy" means we may buy brands but prefer to follow people. PLUS, every business brand is much more persuasive when we can put a face to it. That's why Warren Buffet says your ability to speak increases your net worth by over +50% (at the very least).
50 years onstage revealed an incredible discovery... When I combined these 2 types of decision maker.

The Influencer
Big personality types who create global engagement with a hungry audience who constantly follow their content through comments, jokes, tips and interesting extraordinary experiences.

The Business Owner
Entrepreneurial experts who's earned success through sweat equity and a lifetime of experience, business knowledge and thought leadership but often no evident audience with whom to share it.
Here's where the MAGIC happens...
By combining the two, we create Industry Icons, so they become the Key Person Of Influence for their entire peer group.
Therefore, when YOU do the same, You can go from lost, unappreciated or stagnant to becoming the one to watch' in record time.
Then you can consistently grow your business year on year AND dominate your chosen niche.

When you position yourself as a business leader - SOMETHING SPECIAL HAPPENS!
People pay attention. Your message truly resonates with the right audience who follow you like fans, interact like peers and buy like long term customers.
Plus, you can EASILY montize your message in many different ways.
We know. We've tested it with every single client. We plan, we strategize and we road test it with incredible results.
When you share (with clarity) what you do best, you get universal by-in AND skip up the influence chain within your niche.

- Clients got booked to speak internationally up to a year in advance.
- Constantly headhunted for top projects paying seven figures cash.
- Asked by industry legends to collaborate and work with them.
Words spread, and pretty soon, I was getting WAY more requests for speaker mentoring, coaching and consulting than I could handle. I became the go-to guy for authors, speakers, and CEOs who want to speak on stages around the world. But I because exhausted and felt burnt out.
We needed a better way to help more people by positioning them as the best in their own industry. They had to be able to speak AND be seen as a powerful thought leader who could share invaluable lessons and experiences.
So focused on a NEW DYNAMIC STRATEGY...
And what I shared WORKED!
That's how I know IT'S PERFECT FOR YOU...
The results ALSO proved this could be APPLIED TO ANY MARKET - EVEN YOURS!

Saahil helps CEOs to declutter and de-stress their lives.
He's a best seeling author, hosting retreats and on a speaking tour with Marshall Goldsmith, one of the world's most respected business thinkers.

The point is, PEACE OF MIND. As a recognized as an Industry Icon, you're headhunted and offered WOW opportunities regularly everywhere.
And now, I'd like to invite you to become an Industry Icon too (it's a no-brainer).
INSIDER SECRET: Did you know when you deliver keynotes, workshops etc, most people are in awe of what you do?
Most will NEVER step up and discover their potential.
It's their loss.
I ONLY work with people who truly want an awesome life, take action and make that difference.
That's why I develop The Industry Icon Program ONLY for those who understand the TRUE VALUE of their TIME and want to be able to do what they love with those they love in the future.
☑ If you're a subject matter expert who wants to reach more people by creating a book, online course, podcast or TV show...
☑ OR you're an influencer with a following which you'd like to monetize into thriving income streams...
☑ OR you're frustrated or struggling to find time to refocus and know you need to start in the smartest, most effective way...
The Industry Icon Program gives you complete clarity and changes EVERYTHING for you!
It's almost like flipping on a switch... As big hearted entrepreneurs, you have I have a HUGE opportunity to create a lasting impact in this world - and it's the reason hat I am so passionate about this work.
This is the reason why I created The Industry Icon Program.
← Speaking at Global Summits
Our community grows EVERY day →
← The best stages in the world
Working with the biggest stars →

← Creating an online coaching business
Attracting amazing clients →

SO what is The Industry Icon Program?
The Industry Icon Program is a 6 step strategy system and ongoing mentoring program that gives you clarity and confidence to launch, grow and scale your own personal brand, business and speaking career. With amazing results.
12 Benefits Of The Industry Icon Program

Upgrade Your Mindset & Skillset

Improve Your Speaking & Communication

Design Your Personal Branding

Boost Your Income Streams

Become An Industry Icon

Your Mindset & Skillset Strategy
This is your strategy for building and growing your mindset and skillset. I'll share ALL my self-motivation and personal development secrets for empowering you on your adventure, getting over imposter syndrome and making a real impact. PLUS access to the secret keys to creating the high achievement business models that are proven to work time and time again.
✔️ The tactical step-by-step process for getting and keeping your head in the game... FAST ... regardless of ANY challenges whether big or small.
✔️ How to discover your signature message and craft instant content that stays true to your values whilst attracting a fan base who resonates with you at every step. This is NOT about you following in anybody else's footsteps. This is about discovering who you are and how to enjoy happiness that involves your passion, your purpose and daily joy.
✔️ Why you don't need to be in all the places and do all the things - and why it's more effective to grow your following using ONE focused strategy. This is one of those counterintuitive strategies that go against what other gurus are saying in the market. Their way is a one-way ticket to stressful burnout... (trust me, I know from experience).
✔️ The Industry Icon... which, regardless of your market, will provide your audience tremendous clarity and momentum (and that's one of the many reasons they'll keep following you). I'll walk through creating your own storyline and why it's the secret to your never-ending successful adventure.
✔️ There are many ways to create a following and get people's attention. You need to unlock a combination of social media and leverage other people's media (and events) to make this most effective.
✔️ Once you understand the principles and have a strategy in place, you can create content months in advance and automate posting. That way, you create a ton of ways that potential paying clients can discover and follow your brand whilst you concentrate on running of your business.

Your Speaking & Communication Strategy
This is your most powerful delivery system which gets easily amplified because of the relative lack of competition. Consider that 90% of people have an issue with public speaking, now imagine how those stats affect your industry and how you can overtake peers just by being visible and speaking with clarity and confidence.
✔️ Onstage, offstage, online, offline and virtual are just a few of the many different combinations to being able to speak effectively. They all start with your mindset and core values. The rest is stagecraft and audience engagement. We can fast-track any lack of experience with the correct training.
✔️ When you speak, people listen and take notes. It's also the fastest way to get your marketing message out and can be adapted into many different formats from video to podcast to blog to social media posts in one session.
✔️ Speaking is the one martial art that most business owners avoid prioritizing (which is crazy because we all talk daily). Use your voice to open doors, close business deals and develop relationships, write books, present a podcast, increase video views and prove that you are a thought leader worth listening to and investing in.
✔️ There are endless ways to monetize your brand, your expertise and your existing business models. These include speaking, mentoring, coaching, events, podcasts, books, TV Shows, online course and a ton more passive earning opportunities.
✔️ Once established as a thought leader, you can stop selling your time as your content can go to work for you and combined with referrals and advertising, can really build your reputation and fill your automated sales funnels whilst creating extra revenue.
✔️ In most cases, any live presentation can easily be turned into a number of different content options as a video, podcast, ebook, social media posts and online course. The footage can also be kept and utilized at any future time as proof of concept.

This is the Speakers Business Model.
We use it as a template from which our Industry Icons can cherry pick their fastest route to establish a powerful personal and business brand that makes substantial revenue streams.
Once we start working together, we will map out your own adventure, products, services and strategy to create an avid following of fans and clients who invest in your products and services.
Of course, you've got options, but no more time to keep learning from the school of hard knocks.
That's why ONLY this makes sense.
If you think about all the other ways that you can learn about growing your business, from attending night school for years and trying to get your MBA (at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars) to hiring a consultant (often at tens of thousands a day) to going solo and trying to figure everything out on your own (which can cost you more than both of those things combined).
I mean, you can do these things if you wanted to, but I'm pretty sure that none of them come with a money-back guarantee.

You know, I understand that you may have been burned by flashy promises before, but I want you know this... that's not who I am.
I've walked the talk for decades so I can show you EXACTLY how it's done.
Google me. Go on...
My reputation is the reason I've been successful in this industry for over 4 decades. It's also why I'm blessed to have a steady stream of high-profile clients. Consequently, that's whats created a constant demand for my services across the globe to host and speak at international events and conferences.
I stand firmly behind everything that I offer in my business because my reputation directly relies on your success in the Industry Icon Program.
I AM READY TO BE AN ICON!"You're Fully Covered" Guarantee: Try the Industry Icon Program for a Full 14 days, 100% Risk Free
If you are unhappy with The Industry Icon Program during the first 2 weeks, I want to give you your money back.

Intense 1-2-1 mentoring session with me, Dave Crane at 90 mins each session.
Valued at USD100,000
Industry Icon Roadmap where I will go through in depth with you on session 1.
Valued at USD1,000
1 year access to the Personal Branding Accelerator
Valued at USD1,000
1 year access to The Game Changers Membership where you will meet other many international thought leaders.
Valued at USD1,000

Samantha Richards
Public Speaking & Communication Consultant
❝ Dave is a straight talking, no nonsense mentor who knows what he's talking about. He's great at holding me accountable and bring me back into line when I veer off course. ❞

Saahil Mehta
Strategic Decluttering Explorer
❝ Your Industry Icon Program has improved my image online, improved my presentations and speaking abilities and most importantly you've helped me to have a crystal clear message to my audience! ❞

Carl Wamsley
Construction Project Director
❝ The best way I can describe my journey is Dave has guided me to go from an invisible expert, to a visible expert in my field and for the past year I don’t have to go and search for work, people and companies are contacting me directly to work with me. I’m speaking on stage, I’m being head hunted regularly (which is a nice problem to have), I’m halfway through writing my book to published at the end of 2023, and I’m so happy with where I am in my career. ❞
Take your pick...
- Elevating yourself amongst peers and superiors.
- Generating incredible respect for all who meet you.
- Positioning you as the go-to subject expert because you explain everything so well.
- Designing a number of side-hustles and multiple stream of income.
- Making you visible and easily searchable online.
- Designing a website that instantly converts visitors into clients.
- Helping you to close more sales deals (face to face, online and offline).
- Producing amazing content for social media posts that ‘Wows’ and drives connections.
- Increasing your net worth as you are paid to speak on conferences and industry meetups.
- Travelling the world for FREE as an international keynote speaker.
- Creating a series of online coaching courses that earn for you automatically whilst you sleep.
- Mentoring, coaching and training the next generation to follow in your impressive footsteps.
- Writing a book.
- Starting a podcast.
- Making an online web TV show with sponsors, top industry guests and a legion of fans.
- Getting you recognised by the people you want because they recognise your face.
- Developing a powerful brand as a thought leader, industry expert and high achiever.
Whatever you choose, we can do it.
We reverse engineer the outcomes and strategise the steps needed to produce the incredible results you desire in the fastest possible time.
How do I know it will work?
Because I’ve already done them all.
That’s how we fast-track your objectives.

Here's what you'll get when you join The Industry Icon Program

Intense 1-2-1 mentoring session with me, Dave Crane at 90 mins each session.
Valued at USD100,000
Industry Icon Roadmap where I will go through in depth with you on session 1.
Valued at USD2,000
1 year access to the Personal Branding Accelerator
Valued at USD1,000
1 year access to The Game Changers Membership where you will meet other many international thought leaders.
Valued at USD1,000
Total Value: $105,000 USD
I Will Be Here To Support You ALL THE WAY
The Industry Icon Program is a system that will help you to create far more leverage in your business and in your life. So if you want to transform your knowledge and influence into multiple income streams, then I invite you to say 'YES'.
Yes to more leverage.
Yes to a great brand.
Yes to a greater impact in the world.
I look forward to being your guide along the way.
Click the button below and register now. I'll see you inside the program.